Donate Now To IPPL

© Vervet Monkey Foundation

Why Your Donations Are So Important!


Since 1973, the International Primate Protection League has been protecting and saving  primates around the world. IPPL also maintains a sanctuary for 30 gibbons in South Carolina. These gibbons have come from zoos, tourist attractions, research laboratories or were kept as pets. Because of the exceptional care they receive, our gibbons live long, happy lives – some after decades of suffering.

In addition, IPPL funds our Global Partners in Africa, Asia and South America. These organizations fight against  the poaching of animals for bushmeat, the international trade in pets, the exploitation of primates for sub-standard zoos or for photo ops, and the deforestation that robs so many primates of their natural habitats. Many also maintain sanctuaries of their own.

The only way IPPL can continue its vital work is through donations. We hope you will help us!

In addition, if you choose to provide us with your address information (below) you will receive our award-winning magazine IPPL News three times a year. Back issues can be seen on our website.

For those in the United States, please donate using the form below

Please note: All donations in memory of Shirley McGreal are being acknowledged on our Virtual Memorial Wall

Please note: All donations in memory of Shirley will be acknowledged on our Virtual Memorial Wall.