
© Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand

In addition to helping IPPL by making donations or symbolically adopting a gibbon, there are other ways to help - VOLUNTEER!

Our sanctuary is just under 50 acres so there is always lots to do, and volunteers play a huge role in helping us with our sanctuary’s needs.

IPPL appreciates and is amazed by all the support we have received from people who have volunteered to help our gibbon and otter sanctuary. But with COVID still a part of our daily lives, we are not accepting new volunteers on a regular basis.

However, there will be project opportunities coming up and we will be reaching out for support. We maintain a list of people who have completed the volunteer application form to contact when more help is needed. If you wish to apply and receive an application form, please email:  info@ippl.org

Thank you for your patience and willingness to help us here at IPPL!

Latest Projects

During the pandemic, IPPL has managed to stay busy with our outreach connections   and special projects, but volunteer options are still limited so we are not accepting any new volunteers now. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please contact info@ippl.org to receive an application form which we will keep on file.

IPPL still wanted to stay active with our local outreach connections and current volunteers. And like other organizations, we had to get creative. We were able to do this by keeping socially distant from the animals and staff as we worked on our Raised Garden Bed Project which is described below.

London, Alexander, Lynn and TuDung have started planting; strawberries, herbs, sweet potatoes and flowers.

Our wonderful, dedicated local volunteers filling the beds from donations.

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Permanent fence assembled by our local volunteers (left to right Cam, Michelle, TuDung, Robert, Lynn and Cherri).


The Raised Garden Bed Project started with an idea from Lisa, a Master Gardner we met from Katies Krops's. Lisa was able to create a blueprint for us to follow to bring the raised garden bed from an idea to reality. We then linked up with University School of the Lowcountry (USL) and asked if they would be willing and able to help with this new project. USL purchased the materials and built the raised garden beds for us in April 2021. After the students helped fill the beds with soil that we had on IPPL’s property, we were 5.5 beds short of soil to complete the project. That’s when our friends from Flowertown Dentistry were able to donate the remaining soil needed. Katies Krop's, Lisa Master Gardner, and Royall Ace Hardware Inc. donated seeds and seedlings to start our first year’s crop. Casey Hampf, a fundraiser/grant writer graciously donated her time by helping to write and plan the social media posts.

Lisa and son Alexander working on measurements for the Raised Garden Beds.

Lisa and son Alexander working on measurements for the Raised Garden Beds.

London, Alexander, Lynn and TuDung have started planting strawberries, herbs, sweet potatoes and flowers.

Maui enjoying some freshly picked basil.

Maui enjoying some freshly picked basil.


University School of the Lowcountry building the Raised Garden Beds and sifting soil.


We want to send a big THANK YOU to everyone involved near and far for making this happen. This includes our wonderful members who donated funds or items from our Amazon Wish List to allow us to continue to grow beautiful produce. Our local volunteers have been maintaining the garden by watering and weeding on a daily basis as well as building a more permanent fence to safely enclose our produce. Our gibbons have definitely been enjoying the fresh harvest!!