Shirley McGreal, founder of IPPL, receives Elizabeth Bradham Humanitarian Award

January 26, 2020 the Charleston Animal Society celebrated 146 years of preventing cruelty to animals at Blackbaud World Headquarters in North Charleston. Before hundreds of supporters, including IPPL staff and friends, the Animal Society presented two significant awards. The Community Ambassador Award went to Blackbaud, Inc.
The Elizabeth Bradham Humanitarian Award was given to Dr. Shirley McGreal, founder of the International Primate Protection League. The event was a live feed that featured a big screen with a wonderful video of IPPL’s sanctuary and its delightful swinging and singing gibbons. On either side of the big screen were huge images of the captivating faces of some of the gibbons.
When Dr. McGreal’s name was called – no surprise, she received a well-earned standing ovation!
During the presentation, it was noted that Dr. McGreal has received several international honors for her work with primates, including the Order of the British Empire from Queen Elizabeth II, to which Dr. McGreal responded, “I’ve been to Buckingham Palace but being recognized in your own backyard is so special”.