
In 1990, IPPL held its first supporters’ meeting in Summerville, SC. From that year forward these meetings have been held every two years. The speakers have included our overseas partners as well as others dedicated to protecting primates around the world.

The 2020 IPPL Supporter’s Meeting was scheduled for March 27-29. There was an impressive lineup of committed speakers and supporters had already booked flights and made hotel reservations. As we watched the spread of the Coronavirus from China to other countries, IPPL was forced to make the difficult decision to cancel the meeting. We did not want to jeopardize the health of people traveling to Summerville or run the risk of subjecting our precious gibbons to this virus – which could be deadly for them. Our veterinarian concurred.

IPPL plans to hold the Supporters’ Meeting in March or April of 2021 and will make an announcement of the dates later this year.

Today, the world is facing the possibility of a pandemic as the Coronavirus has spread to 70 countries worldwide, including the United States. We hope all our friends will remain diligent and stay safe as the effort to curtail, and ultimately stop, the Coronavirus.